Empowering the grid with monitoring and flexibility solutions

Real-time monitoring and control, easy connectivity, and data-driven insights – without added complexity. Start improving your asset management insights with the Asset Monitoring Platform and unlock the flexibility benefits of your energy assets with the Teleport Gateway.

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Withthegrid supports energy stakeholders in building a reliable and sustainable energy system

We provide the technology backbone to securely connect, monitor, optimize, and future-proof your energy infrastructure and assets.

Picture of solar panels and wind turbines in the background

Withthegrid helps us controlling batteries, solar panels and wind turbines properly and safely. They have a lot of technical knowledge and we work well together.

Jeffrey Bartels Founder of Edmij

Picture of water grid infrastructure
Asset Monitoring Platform

Withthegrid’s IoT solutions give us continuous visibility on the performance of water grid. This increases the operational efficiency, and helps detecting leakage in time!

Eefko Aukes Process supervisor at Waterbedrijf Groningen

3D model of battery storage system (BESS)

The Teleport allows us to offer reliable and secure control to our offtakers. Withthegrid have been proven to be a trustworthy and reliable partner throughout the project.

Dennis Schiricke Co-Founder of SemperPower (now Return)

Energy assets (DERs)

Teleport Gateway

The Teleport is an independent controller that connects, monitors, and control energy assets remotely. Supporting over 450 asset types (including solar, wind, batteries, and more), it helps businesses optimize their grid connection, comply with European regulations and unlock new revenue streams

  • Monetize flexibility
  • Comply with grid regulations
  • Optimize behind-the-meter energy flows
  • Secure your system
Discover the Teleport
The Teleport
Mockup AMP platform
Energy infrastructure

Asset Monitoring Platform

The Asset Monitoring Platform (AMP) transforms infrastructure management with IoT-powered insights. From pipelines to power grids, the AMP helps you detect issues before they become failures and increase your workforce efficiency.

  • Monitor infrastructure and asset health
  • Receive automated alerts for anomalies
  • Access advanced analytics & visualization
  • Stay in control of your IoT devices
Discover the AMP
Picture of the Withthegrid team celebrating the first 1GW of flexibility unlocked with the Teleport

Who are we?

Our journey began with hands-on involvement in the management and maintenance of energy infrastructure. Through this experience, we recognized the importance of improving grid efficiency and asset flexibility to achieve a more sustainable and widespread renewable energy system.

Since, we aim to develop technology that enables a connected and secure energy ecosystem, and supports energy stakeholders in building a resilient, profitable, and sustainable energy future.

Learn more about us  →

A sneak-peak of our knowledge hub

Access expert insights and practical guides to better navigate industry challenges.

Grid challenges

Understanding grid balancing & congestion management

Get an overview of the main challenges that grid operators face with the energy transition, and discover how flexibility is used as a solution benefiting all.

Realtime Interface whitepaper

Get your guide to understand the new Realtime Interface (RTI) requirements for all new or updated grid connection >1MW.

Reactive power and the energy transition

Learn more about the role of reactive power management for maintaining a stable and efficient grid.

A project? A question?

Get in touch with our team today!

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