Withthegrid asset monitoring platform – feature update

Withthegrid asset monitoring platform – feature update

Withthegrid feature update q1
Product Update Q1 2021

Another quarter has come to an end meaning that another new set of features for the Withthegrid asset monitoring platform are released. In this update we will share with you 3 new features:

  1. Custom graphs
  2. Issue triggers
  3. Advanced issue triggers

These features enable users to obtain more insights into the performance and condition of their assets as well as get the alerts when they need to.

Custom graphs

Users can now design their own dashboard with custom graphs. Each dashboard can be comprised of data from the same location-port, location or other locations. By combining measurements from multiple locations a direct overview of asset condition status can be obtained. Below are two examples.

Withthegrid asset monitoring platform
Monitoring of cathodic protection

Withthegrid asset monitoring platform
Monitoring of a transformer and power quality

Issue triggers

In addition to graphs also the issue trigger functionality has been expanded. The biggest change is that it is now possible to apply issue triggers on 3 levels:

  1. Device supplier level
  2. Environment level
  3. Location level

For device supplier level this means that a device supplier can suggest issue triggers for quantity the device measures. For example: a limit of 240Vac for power monitoring.

Withthegrid asset monitoring platform

A user of course can deviate from this suggested threshold. This can be done by setting a threshold on an environment level. So in this example it can be modified to 241 VAC.

Withthegrid asset monitoring platform

Thirdly, if there is a location that needs a custom issue trigger then the environment threshold can be overridden. See in the example below:

Withthegrid asset monitoring platform

The benefit of these three levels is it combines the best of both worlds. Automatic issue triggers for any devices installed in an environment as well as very granular controls on specific locations.

Advanced issue triggers

Issue triggers monitor whether measurements are outside a boundary. In many cases this is enough. However there are measurements which need to be monitored in more complex ways. For example: over the last week all measurements need to be within 95% of a value. In this case setting a specific issue trigger won’t work. For this we have developed an event handler where in Typescript such more complex issue triggers can be written.

Withthegrid asset monitoring platform

In the example above we take a static property of a location: the apparent power rating and use that to calculate the % load of a transformer. In this way a threshold is set as a % of the transformer load.

Issue trigger as percentage of transformer load

Sign up for Withthegrid asset monitoring platform

If you would like to try out the Withthegrid asset monitoring platform you can sign up. We are also more than happy to give you a demo.

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