Withthegrid featured in PV magazine: the Real-time Interface as a solution to reduce Netherlands’ grid congestion

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Extract from PV Magazine article: picture of the Teleport and the title "Real-Time interface to reduce Netherlands' grid congestion"
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The Real-time Interface as a solution to reduce Netherlands’ grid congestion

Available in: Nederland English

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By Withthegrid Team
Published on: 27/09/2023

In the world of renewable energy, change is the only constant. The Netherlands is no exception, as it introduces a measure to tackle grid congestion and pave the way for more clean energy deployment. Starting in 2024, all new solar and wind plants with a capacity exceeding 1 MW will be required to establish communication with the grid operators through a Real-time Interface (RTI). This move aims to address the grid congestion issues that have been hindering the growth of renewable energy in the country for the past three years. Withthegrid’s Teleport, has been featured in PV Magazine as a solution for more grid flexibility. Below, we present a summary of this insightful article:

The Real-time Interface mandate: a step towards sustainability

Grid congestion has been a pressing concern in the Netherlands, threatening the expansion of renewable energy capacity. Grid operators and plant operators have been seeking solutions to alleviate this burden. The introduction of the Real-time Interface (RTI) mandate is a significant step towards this much required flexibility. This mandate stipulates that RTIs must comply with the International Electrotechnical Commission 61850 standard, ensuring efficient communication between energy assets and the grid operators. This directive aligns with the framework set by the European Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/631, emphasizing the importance of a unified approach to grid management.

The Teleport: first RTI certified customer endpoint

At Withthegrid, we led the charge with our Teleport product, which is designed to comply with the RTI mandate for PV and wind plant assets. Teleport has already received approval in lab tests conducted by the Norwegian classification society DNV on behalf of Netbeheer Nederland. Currently, it is undergoing field validation by the three main grid operators: Stedin, Enexis and Liander.

Versatility and compatibility

The Teleport is a versatile solution that seamlessly integrates with various brand-name inverters, making it accessible to a wide range of users. It also offers compatibility with PV and wind installations, battery systems, metering equipment and more. The device utilizes standard data communications cabling, such as RS232, RS485, or Ethernet cables, ensuring ease of integration. Security is paramount, and Teleport boasts European-grade security and encryption, ensuring the safety of energy assets with no inbound communication channels.

Streamlining grid management

The Teleport acts as a bridge between the distribution system operator (DSO) and the central inverter. Based on user-defined parameters, it can send commands to the central inverter, such as “limit production power.” This level of flexibility empowers asset owners to adjust production swiftly.

A win-win solution

From the grid perspective, Teleport contributes to a more balanced and congestion-free grid. For plant operators, it offers the ability to ramp up or down production within seconds, ensuring efficient energy utilization. Paul Mignot, CEO of Withthegrid, highlights in the article the significance of this flexibility, emphasizing how it minimizes waste and financial risks.

The broader landscape

The Netherlands is at a critical juncture in its energy journey, with significant solar and wind capacity growth on the horizon. Grid constraints have posed challenges, prompting grid operators to take measures to increase capacity and manage congestion effectively. Tennet, too, has developed an interactive map to pinpoint congested grid areas. It is evident that addressing grid constraints is crucial to accommodating the increasing volume of renewable energy.


Withthegrid’s Teleport stands as a flexibility solution in the renewable energy landscape. As the Netherlands grapples with grid congestion issues, Teleport offers a solution that aligns with the RTI mandate and supports a sustainable energy future. By bridging the gap between energy assets and the grid, the Teleport is helping create a more balanced and efficient energy ecosystem. The journey to a greener future has begun, and Withthegrid is part of it, one Teleport at a time.

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